Until I was 50 years old, I didn't know about problems with potency, I always had a good erection. But then the problems started - pain when urinating, it was painful even to sit, of course, there was no question of any sexual intercourse. Then he was hospitalized with acute prostatitis. But Prostovit helped me bounce back quickly and now I'm fine and my wife and I are on our second honeymoon.
While skiing, I somehow got cold and felt discomfort while urinating for a while, there were slight pains, then it disappeared. But then the attacks began to recur, the pain intensified, sexual desire disappeared. I drank Prostovit drops for a month, everything went away, since then nothing hurts, my libido has increased.
There were pulling pains in the groin and testicles. After examination, he was diagnosed with chronic prostatitis and was instructed to prepare for surgery. But I visited a specialist in Munich who advised me Prostovit and took the course. A month later, another examination was carried out, and the doctors were very surprised - there were no signs of the disease. I recommend these drops to everyone.
My wife is much older than me, but our sex life has always been colorful. But for some time, I began to feel that my husband was isolated, began to avoid intimacy. Later, he admitted that he had pains and said that it was like prostatitis. I bought him Prostovit and a month later my husband looked ten years younger and completely healthy.
My father was diagnosed with prostatitis and we were very scared because my grandfather died of prostate cancer and it was very painful. Thanks to the doctor, he immediately recommended Prostovit drops, saying that this is the safest means of oncological prevention. They helped my father a lot and after 30 days my father was completely healthy.